Equipping Everyday Women to Fulfill Their God-Given Destinies
"And blessed is she who believed that there would be
a fulfillment of what was spoken to her from the Lord."
Luke 1:45 ESV
Welcome to SSFI! Let Us Introduce Ourselves!
Ready to Donate?
We are so excited to have your financial partnership as we work to elevate Christian female entrepreneurs in the marketplace both here in the United States as well as in Africa! But we don’t stop there! We are giving back in two other ways – by supporting worthy local female entrepreneurs with established businesses, ministries, or nonprofits AND by providing humanitarian aid to some worthy African outreaches in Nairobi, Kenya.
Take a look at all our efforts in one place by visiting our Project Overview Page!
Equipping Women Today to Lead Tomorrow!

About Us
She Steps Forward International is a faith-based, nondenominational nonprofit that works within the United States and Africa to empower and equip everyday women to fulfill their God-given destinies.
We focus on providing strategic leadership training and organizational development that reflects Biblical values to women who are building businesses, ministries, and/or nonprofits and desire faith-based mentorship and/or coaching services to help them achieve their goals.
We want every woman to fully maximize her gifting from God and to reach her highest potential when attempting to improve the community around her. Therefore, we strive to provide opportunities for women to grow in their faith, their leadership abilities, and their business skills by offering access to quality mentors and coaches, practical quarterly workshops, and inspirational teaching from seasoned female entrepreneurs at our annual conference, the
She Steps Forward International Women’s Conference.
We strongly believe in the power of “paying it forward.” Therefore, we are also invested in supporting local and international outreach programs that support American or African women in their personal and professional growth as well as organizations that advance the physical growth, practical education, and future dreams of both American and African children.

Our mission is to assist uniquely gifted hearts in creating viable, sustainable paths in business, ministry, or nonprofit work. This allows women to answer the call on their life and bring about transformational change in the lives of those they serve.

The vision of She Steps Forward International is very straightforward. We aim to strengthen the spirits and minds of everyday women in active pursuit of their God-given destinies — one business, one ministry, one nonprofit at a time.

Just like you, values are so important to us. They ground us and keep our purpose clear. What do we value? That’s easy: Biblical guidance, strategic leadership, and community-oriented, generosity-focused, kingdom building.
Our Projects at a Glance
Faith-based female entrepreneurs are some of the most passionate, driven people on the planet. They dream of launching businesses, ministries, and nonprofits that will change their communities for the better. What’s missing? Confidence, clear vision, strategy, and unwavering support. Help us provide the guidance they need today so they can follow their dreams and make a lasting impact tomorrow.
We are ecstatic to provide our African sisters access to the same high-level training opportunities offered to female entrepreneurs in the States. Our African conference has reached hundreds of ladies and has been attended by women from Kenya, Nigeria, The Congo, Ethiopia, and Uganda! Help us break the cycle of poverty among African women and children by raising up a generation of economically vibrant females.
The Neemaland Queens and Kings Center is home to 65+ children. With great heart, the center is overseen by Pastor Grace Omundi and her family. In addition to giving shelter to these children, Pastor Grace, when possible, also loves on 100+ children from the community whose families have little to no resources. Donations go toward the children’s basic needs: food, clothing, shelter, and education.
As we work to come alongside Neemaland and provide a sponsorship program that will assist with physical needs, we are also working with our partners at United Megacare to find willing partners who have huge hearts. Our desire is to see these children sheltered in a permanent structure that blocks out the current environment elements that lead to illness. On this footprint, we hope to build a 2-3 story housing structure that will provide proper living quarters for the Omundi’s and the children of Neemaland. Donations go directly to construction costs.
The Moses Basket Initiative is overseen by Mrs. Phyllis Thiong’o. Phyllis reaches out to local communities and identifies girls at high risk for sexual abuse, including early marriage scenarios, or early pregnancy. For those, who do become pregnant, she teaches them child-caring skills and advocates for their re-entry to school. Phyllis works not only in Nairobi but within Milandi, a village area on the east coast of Kenya. Donations go to efforts to provide female health education, parenting education, baby baskets and needed care products as well as sanitary towel distribution.
The Ummoja Disability Center works with 100+ disabled individuals across various backgrounds and ages to provide both medical and mental health assistance as well as provide job training. They have also started a monthly food basket program to provide assistance to widows and others associated with the center that would otherwise go without. The center is overseen by Wilson and Mary Kingola and their staff. Donations go toward providing food during their day programs or their food basket initiative as well as the staff, supplies, and equipment needed to run their programs.
She Steps Forward International Snapshot
Our work is just beginning. Join us today!
“For God loves a cheerful giver.” 2 Corinthians 9:7 ESV
Helping Faith-Based Female Entrepreneurs
Help Their Communities
Female entrepreneurship is continuing to rise around the world!
According to the World Economic Forum:
- “The number of female entrepreneurs is increasing around the world, but many women continue to face significant obstacles to starting their own businesses.”
- In the United States, “women started 49% of new businesses” in 2021.
- In the UK, “women are now running almost 40% of UK microbusinesses.”
- In the developing world, “between 8-10 million small and medium-sized enterprises …have at least one female owner.”
Source: Victoria Masterson, SDG 05: Gender Equality, “Here’s what women’s entrepreneurship looks like around the world.” July 20, 2022, World Economic Forum
Need a Little Inspiration?
Right now, when you sign up for the She Steps Forward International Newsletter, you get access to our inaugural set of She Steps Forward Coaching Notes – Eight Mindshifts that Lead to Confident, Strategic, and Sustainable Entrepreneurship!!!
Ready to leave overwhelm and self-doubt behind and start your entrepreneurial journey with focus, drive, and determination? Shift your thoughts to those of God and watch what happens!
Get this FREE eBook today!

We can't wait to share all the excitement with you!
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You'll have an opportunity to get updates on all our programs, hear our success stories, be notified of upcoming events, including the She Steps Forward International Women's Conference, and find out how you can join us for a missions trip to Nairobi, Kenya!
Get Involved!
We have several ways you can get involved!
Donate to a Program
You have several options when making a donation to SSFI. Check out all of our American and African Outreach programs. Donate to your favorites!
Sponsor a Child
You can make a difference in a young child's life today. Through your generosity, we can provide the food, clothing, shelter, and education they need!
Be a part of our fundraising efforts by creating a fundraiser of your own. Pick a cause, spread the word, host your own fundraiser, and donate those funds back to SSFI!
Take a Missions Trip
Travel to Nairobi, Kenya, and see our overseas programs in action. You'll participate in the SSF Africa conference and be able to visit our four outreaches. Trip also includes a 1/2 day safari, a trip to the market, and a visit to either the elephant or giraffe sanctury.
Join our Network
We love meeting like-minded people and organizations. Interested in adding value to a faith-based, female entrepreneur? We are constantly growing our network of mentors, coaches, speakers, and resource organizations!
At the heart of every nonprofit are its volunteers! We welcome inquiries into volunteering. Whether you are looking to volunteer a few hours a week or a month, we welcome the help. We even have seasonal volunteer needs. Interested? Let's chat!
What's happening at SSFI?
Here's our latest news!

That dream you have? It’s no coincidence. There’s a reason you feel that tug to

Do you remember the first thing you ever owned? I don’t mean something that was

As a woman of God called to start a business or ministry, you’ve been entrusted

Are you ready to embrace the V-word? You’ve crushed goals, climbed ladders, and conquered challenges.
She Steps Forward International Women's Conference
March 26-28, 2026
Location: Delta Hotel, Norfolk, Virginia
Volunteer with SSFI
The smallest act of kindness is worth more than the grandest intention.
Oscar Wilde
Interested in volunteering with our organization?
Send us an email today!