Welcome to She Steps Forward International

Hey there friend!

I’m so stinkin’ happy you’re here! There’s nothing I like more than meeting another world changer!

Oh, don’t give me that look! Yes, I said World Changer. Just calling it like I see it. We both know you’ve been led here by that still, small voice that tells you it’s your time!

It’s your time to step forward and answer God’s call on your life. Hey, tell me, what does that look like for you? Is it a business, a ministry, or a nonprofit? What are you passionate about? Who do you want to serve? I want to hear all about it!

Are you feeling a little overwhelmed just thinking about it? Maybe a little anxious? Wondering how in the world you are going to pull it off, but you just know you have got to do it? Sounds like you’re in the right place because God-sized dreams are my specialty!

I remember when God first showed me glimpses of the vision He had for this nonprofit. It wasn’t my finest hour. I had just been through some of the most traumatic events in my life –a career implosion, the death of a loved one, and my husband had been told he had cancer. All that within about an eighteen-month period. To say I was a little devastated is an understatement. I mean the struggle was REAL!

And then, in the middle of my chaos, God begin to piece together for me a calling I wasn’t expecting. Can you relate? I bet you have some stories to tell!

In those early months, I felt so unqualified, so isolated, and so alone. Quite frankly, I was pretty sure God had me mixed up with someone else. A world changer? Who me?

But I have learned that God never makes a mistake and that He uses all of our experiences –good and bad–as a launching pad for something quite beautiful.

The fact is God’s in the people business, and He calls those of us who are willing to be servant leaders to do great things. Did you know you are a leader? Yep, that’s you. What kind of a leader are you?

Me –I am a nurturer! I believe in building others up and encouraging them. If we were together right now, I’d hug you! And at the end of the day, I want probably what you want –to make a difference in this world. To know I touched someone else’s heart and changed their life for the better.

But what I’ve also learned along the way is that a dream not acted upon is just a dream. I have met so many beautiful women who have a dream and they are holding back on going for it because it seems so BIG to them. But we serve a BIG God, and He doesn’t assign us small, DIY dreams. Nope, He assigns us God-sized dreams. So, my mission (and my passion) is to motivate you that you can do that thing God has called you to do.

Repeat after me: “I AM A WORLD CHANGER!”

Now, I wish I could tell you that God just opened up the sky and dropped down everything I needed right then and there and that I got busy, but I can’t. That’s not how it works. When things didn’t come easy, I did what most people do (and what I don’t want you to do), I started second guessing myself …that is until I met my first coach!

Coaching provided the framework I needed to start organizing my thoughts and set realistic goals. When I say in the beginning that my thoughts and plans were all over the place, I mean they were a mess! I needed help focusing on the specific vision God had given me. Through coaching, I was able to clearly identify who it was God was asking me to help, develop a reasonable action plan that didn’t overwhelm me, get motivated to implement the steps I needed to take, and learn how to celebrate my wins!

That’s what I want for you! Focus, clarity, achievable goals, and meaningful steps forward.

Now, I have had several coaches over the years, and each helped me in different ways. Those experiences were invaluable. But here’s the kicker, I still felt somewhat isolated, alone, frustrated, and downright exhausted trying to do all the things. I often felt like I wasn’t getting anywhere. I didn’t have that ONE coach who totally got me or my God-sized dream.

I needed some guidance from someone who was experienced in marketplace ministry, a sounding board that could identify with me as a faith-based, female entrepreneur, and I needed a whole lot of confidence.

Why? Because marketplace ministry, when one launches a faith-based business, ministry, or nonprofit, is still pretty new and support for faith-based female entrepreneurs is lacking. Though the number of female entrepreneurs is rising, the number of faith-based female mentors and coaches still lags behind.

But then there was another problem. I struggled to find a group of like-minded, spirit-filled females who were secure in their calling and didn’t mind validating, encouraging, and supporting another like-minded, spirit-filled female in hers. When building a God-sized dream, community is everything. And I grew tired of the competition, comparison, and downright apathy of it all. And I decided enough! …and She Steps Forward was born.

Friend, you don’t have to look any further. Here at She Steps Forward International, I bring all of my experiences to the table. I am pretty much an open book! I take the time to hear YOUR vision, work one-on-one with you to develop an actionable plan that saves YOU time and money, and provide you resources that are specific to YOUR needs.

And as a bonus, I’ve built a network of women who would love nothing more than to empower, support, and cheer you on!

Here at She Steps Forward International, we don’t compete or play the comparison game. YOUR success is OUR success. In other words, you’ll be surrounded by a sisterhood that wants to help you accomplish all that God has entrusted to you. I will personally see to it.

Kingdom building, especially in the marketplace, is HARD work, but trust me when I say, someone is waiting for you to STEP FORWARD. We need you! The world needs you!

So, pull up a chair world changer, grab a hot cup of coffee, get ready to dive deep, and let’s get started!

Your God-given destiny awaits!  Elaine

Picture of Elaine Lankford

Elaine Lankford

Elaine Lankford is a faith-based life and leadership coach. She is the founder and executive director of She Steps Forward Ministries LLC, a nondenominational, parachurch ministry focused on empowering everyday women to chase God-sized dreams, and She Steps Forward International, a faith-based non-profit that works within the United States and Africa to equip everyday women to fulfill their God-given destinies. She is passionate about assisting other faith-based entrepreneurs to follow through on their God-sized dreams. Her coaching packages include uniquely designed roadmaps complete with practical action steps that help guide each entrepreneur through the process of making their calling come to life. Her mission is to raise up a generation of diverse women who are excited to both lead and mentor other women to reach their full potential in Christ.

Elaine is also an author and international speaker. She self-published her first book, Love Echoed Back, in August 2014. Prior to launching her ministry and non-profit, Elaine was in the nursing profession for over sixteen years. In the local church community, Elaine has served as a women’s small group leader and an intercessional prayer partner. She has considerable experience in organizing and leading missions teams out of country. Elaine is currently working on a Master of Arts in Theology Degree at Jakes Divinity School. She is a Virginia native, wife to Darrell, and mother to Nicholas.


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